Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

cara dapat duit gratis

oke saya akan kembali memberikan beberapa situs untuk memulai mendapatkan duit di internet yakni sebagai berikut:,

cara kerja program ini adalah anda dapat menggunakan blog ini sebagai blog anda lalu anda isi dengan tulisan- tulisan anda. Anda akan di bayar setiap posting tulisan anda. tapi ada syarat jumlah posting minimum yang harus anda penuhi sebelum anda meminta bayaran.

Oke saya lanjukan lagi ya

Program penghasil uang gratis dari internet
Cara kerja program ini adalah pihak pengiklan mereka akan membayar anda ketika anda menyebutkan atau membicarakan website dan produk serta layanan mereka didalam blog yang anda miliki.
anda akan menapatkan $6 - $100 untuk setiap posting yang anda tulis di dalam blog anda. Jumlah bayaran tiap posting tergantung pada popularitas dan peringkat keseluruhan dalam nlog anda.

Ternyata tidak begitu susah mencari program penghasil uang gratis untuk kita .
program ini mengharuskan anda menulis review mengenai produk dan layanan pemasang iklan pada website tersebut di dalam blog anda, dan anda akan mendapatkan 35 % dari upah transaksi mereka.
anda harus membuat blog tentang pelepasan produk pemasang iklan mereka yang anda nikmati, untuk itu mereka akan membayar anda perbulan.
anda akan di bayar mingguan melalui paypal apabila anda memposting cerita – cerita menarik kepada mereka.

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009


oke hari ini saya akan memberi tahu situs atau web yang bisa kita jadi kan sumber penghasilan kita mulai dari PPL, tentunya semua sudah tahu apa itu PPL. ya PPL adalah singkatan dari PAY PER CLICK, lantas apa arti pay per click???? pay per click adalah program periklanan dimana publisher( yang punya web atau blog) dan advertiser(pihak yang mempuyai iklan ) mendapatkan keuntungan. keuntungan yang didapat oleh advertiser yakni situs atau web mereka terdongkrak peringkatnya di rangking google.dan kemungkinan penjualan mereka juga terdongkrak. sedangkan publisher akan mendapatkan penghasilan jika iklan yang kita taruh atau sisipkan di blog atau web di click orang. tentunya tidak di click sendiri. jika ketahuan bisa - bisa acount kita di banned, .

oke kita langsung ke program PPL salah satunya

dan masih banyak lainnya.

bayarannya pun lumayan Rp.300,- untuk setiap click

kalo mau yang besar ya ikut yang luar negri yang akan saya bahas nanti

make money

Make Money Info

How Do I Make Money Working From Home? Let Me Count the Ways . . . . .
by: Sandi Moses
Here in the USA, at least, it seems to be increasingly popular to find some way to earn a living from the comfort of your own home. People - especially moms - are looking for ways to stay home with their kids and yet contribute to the family income. They prowl the internet at night or on their lunch breaks, looking for just the right opportunity that fits their interests and family. Let me suggest their search may be too narrow.

More often than not, they are looking at and for some variation of internet marketing. But they don’t have a clue how to market, the search engines offer literally millions of choices, and scams and rip-off artists are more common than sand fleas on the beach. There are a lot of other ways to earn an income from home. Lets explore a few, and combine them with some internet activity. The synergy just might surprise you!

The first and most obvious choice would be to open your home to day-care. After all, you are there with your own kids, so you might as well add a few, right? (Stop that laughing!) Depending on your constitution, family size and make-up, home and yard size, etc., this could be just the thing for you. To run it like a business involves a whole lot more than feeding the kids and keeping them from playing in the street, but it works for many and it may work for you. If you have older kids, involve them in the care of the younger ones as well as some of the business aspects. Think of it as on-the-job training in home and business management. It is invaluable training they cannot get elsewhere.

If you like to cook, you might look into something involving cooking or baking. There are candy-making businesses, catering businesses, cake decorating businesses, etc. Some people supply home-baked goodies to local convenience stores, truck stops, sandwich shops and places like that. Of course they have to go through the permit process, but that is normal for starting up a business. Some people create and bake treats for dogs and cats and sell them to pet stores. These are also businesses that can involve your older children. They can help with preparation and clean-up. Teenagers can also learn bookkeeping and once they get their drivers license can make deliveries if necessary.

There are countless products that can be marketed through home parties. It’s not just for Avon and Tupperware anymore. Home furnishings and decorations, candles, rubber stamps, jewelry, children’s toys and clothing, and who knows what I haven’t of are all options. This is popular with moms who are home all day with kids and feel the need to get out and have a conversation with another adult. They schedule evening parties in other people’s homes. Their husbands are home with the kids, and they are able to socialize and make money at the same time. For many moms this is just ideal.

Some people are natural-born “cleanies.” They have figured out that other people do not like to clean houses and offices and are not much good at it either. So they come to the rescue - for a price. Cleaning services do involve leaving your home, which is what some people don’t want to do, but if you have your own business, you are the boss and to some extent can set your own hours. One parent can work day hours and one parent can work night hours. If you have teenagers, again you can involve them in the business, both in labor and paperwork.

Some people are naturally organized and can sell their skill to those who are “challenged.” You would again have to leave your home, but you can set appointments for while your kids are in school and not make appointments on days when they have after-school activities that you quit work so you could attend. This too can be a great business for the right person to run from their home.

You could also turn your home into your business by converting part of it to a bed-and-breakfast. This would require permits and a check with zoning laws and all that. To succeed, you would also have to have the gift of hospitality as well as many of the skills necessary for the other businesses mentioned above. But if you like meeting new people and would enjoy opening up your home - for a price - then maybe you should look into it.

There are many, many other options including telecommuting, letter writing, teaching sign language to moms and babies, proof-reading, website and graphics design, greeting card design and verse writing, and on and on and on!

Now what about that internet part? Many businesses - even small local ones - find they do better if they have a website. Websites can be put up and hosted for surprisingly little money. Some internet companies offer products that can be sold to customers you acquired through some of the above-mentioned businesses. For instance, if you use a particular “green” cleaning product, maybe your daycare parents or the people who work in the offices you clean would be interested. Market your business on your website and market your website to your customers. Print and offer coupons. Put your website on the traffic exchanges. There are even ones where you can earn while you surf! Talk about easy money - and you are earning exposure for your site, too!

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

make money

Make Money Info

Original Ways To Make Money With No Money-a Short Education
by: Jack Reynolds
An opportunity should never be bought into. By definition, an opportunity is something that people will never sell you. From franchises to swamp land in Florida, to patents and inventions, it makes no difference. Theres nothing wrong with any of the things mentioned, however if somebody is trying to sell you these things, then they are not opportunities by definition.

An opportunity is an advantage that you can see that others cannot. I dont care about the dictionary definition, this is the real world definition. Opportunities are free. They dont cost money to observe. Of course I dont mean they wont cost you money, you may need some money to act on it. But if you are paying money so somebody can sell it to you (a sales commission) You should run for the hills.

So, getting back to my definition of an opportunity.

"Its an advantage that you can see that others cannot"

So what that means is that you have vision while others do not. We are awash with money around us. Money or "value" is everywhere. As "Hayden Muller" says, "it permeates our lives like oxygen" The difficulty is not finding opportunity. It is literally everywhere all the time. We are suffering from snow blindness if we still work for a living when such abundance is around us in our every day lives.

The difficulty is not money either. Having access to a few hundred dollars is all you need to take advantage of a million daily opportunities that present themselves in our daily lives. Anyone with some determination can find that much.

No, the real difficulty is knowledge, or education. Its what seperates action from indifference. The question becomes, "so what?" "so what if I took this opportunity and made a few dollars, what next?" You see, without education, opportunities are meaningless. They lead now-where because we lack vision. Don't worry, I lacked plenty of vision myself.

Today you could drop me out of the sky into any free city on the Planet with nothing but the shirt on my back and I would be living well within 3 months and be financially secure within 2-4 years. I know I can do that because my vision tells me I easily could.

Put me in the middle of New York, I would immediately find markets to deal in. Even before I found a place to sleep, I would begin learning about what free markets are available and what they most want and need. I would quickly establish contacts with suppliers and retailers to become the "middle man" my favourite place to be.

Within a week, I would have a few hundred dollars saved. I would use those funds and pyramid my purchases for faster and faster turn over until I had enough to buy small assets that are in high demand. Cars, boats, anything that was being sold that I could find really cheaply. My charm and good looks would make sure I got the best deals and sold them for the highest price (winks)

Charm and good looks aside, the one thing you need is a clarion plan. A master plan that gets you from A to B

Making money with no money is easy and rudimentry. Its the opportunities you spot that makes the real difference. But really its the propensity to take action that delivers the results. Before you can take that action, you need to know where you are going.

Your situation is alot better then the scenario I presented above. You live in a place where you know. You have intimate knowledge of the markets available already present. You have skills and have contacts already that can be of use.

Get a quick short education and go to it. Your first million is not as difficult as you may imagine.

May success find you fast and knowledge find you sooner.

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

make money 8

Make Money Info

How I Make Money Online
by: David Ferrers
Nothing beats the excitement you feel when you first start to make money online. Ever since I got my first computer I had dreamed of owning a web site that would make money for me.

My motivation has always been simple. I want the freedom to live life on my own terms.To be able to do what I want when I feel like it. I want to feel the security of having a regular income. And, finally I want the spending power to be able to buy what I want and go where I want. Not much to ask.

I now know that I went by the long route when I set out to learn how to make money online. I wasted an enromous amount of time, energy and money on learning things I didn’t need to know and doing things that are a complete waste of time.

The most annoying thing of all was that the know-it-alls who are reaping the amazing rewards of their success are so poor at showing others how they do it. However, they are very good at charging a lot for their information and then making it hard to understand what they mean. So I made up my mind early on that I would never charge for any information that I pass on to others about how to make money online.

Here are the lessons that I have learned. I consider that they are the real secrets of making money online.

First, start with a niche market. I know this is different from how people do things in the real world, but in cyber space this is the best place to start. The easiest way is to pick on a group of people just like you. People with whom you share a problem.

Second, find a product that solves their problem. There are millions of them out there. I show my students how to find them on my free diploma course.

Third, build a really simple, one page web site. Your site only needs to offer a product that solves a problem to the people with the problem.

Fourth, drive traffic to that web site.

Imagine my excitement when, by simply applying this formula, I started receiving e-mails saying: “Congratulations, you just made a sale!”

The excitement grew when I went to my online bank account and saw the money sitting there, right under my name.

And the excitement reached fever pitch when the ‘congratulations’ e-mails started coming in ever-increasing numbers.

My advice is simple; don’t wait, use the simple formula I’ve outlined above to build yourself a web site today. Let me show you how. I promise that you will feel massively uplifted when you too start to make money online.

make money 7

How To Make Extraordinary Amounts Of Money With Google AdSense!
by: James Fraser

Before looking at AdSense, I feel that it is necessary to give a brief description of pay per click advertising. The biggest and most powerful ppc system is called Google AdWords.


You will have seen AdWords in action before. They are those little text ads that appear down the right hand side of Google’s search results. They are an amazingly powerful method of advertising. The ads you see are 100% related to the keywords that you type into a search. This means, that as an AdWords advertiser you are capable of displaying your ads in front of an audience that is already interested in your products or services. Never before have businesses been able to conduct their advertising in such a highly targeted manner.

If your internet company rented holiday properties in Spain for example, you could set up your AdWords ads to appear ONLY when someone typed in keywords like “Spanish, Spain, holiday, rental, villas, apartments, properties etc.”

Of course, this all comes at a price. As an advertiser, you have to pay Google every time somebody clicks on one of your ads. Not knowing how to cost their system, the geniuses at Google came up with the idea of letting their advertisers bid against each other for the value of their chosen keywords.

This means, that if I wanted my ad to be displayed the most often when someone types the key phrase “Spanish holidays” into Google, I would have to out bid the advertiser who currently comes top of the list for this key phrase.

The Internet has matured as a result of ppc advertising. The embarrassing days of the Dot Coms are well and truly behind us. The value of online businesses can now be measured because ppc advertising is a dynamic system that reflects real-world supply and demand.

With ppc advertising, Google has enabled small online businesses to flourish, whilst making tens of billions for themselves.


With their follow up program AdSense, Google created an opportunity for everybody to get a share in this lucrative market.

AdSense is an extension of the AdWords program that allows any website owner to place AdWords ads on their site. However, the difference in this system lies in the fact that the ads displayed come not from search phrases, but from the content of your site.

As an AdSense user, Google gives you a piece of JavaScript that has your unique id embedded within it. This enables them to track the performance of the ads on your site. You simply paste this code into the html of your website.

Then, when someone views your site, the JavaScript automatically fetches ads from the Google server and places them on your page. Google does this with its advanced content recognition technology. This technology is so clever, that it knows which country you are viewing a site from. It then places country specific ads accordingly. For example, if you had a site about fly-fishing, people viewing your site in Australia would see ads for Australian fishing tackle retailers, and in the USA people would see ads for American retailers.

When someone clicks on one of your ads, Google charges the advertiser. Google then takes a cut of the money and gives the rest to you. Although Google won’t disclose any details about their payout ratio, it is rumored that they take 32% and you get 68%.

Before you start thinking: why don’t I just click on my ads all day long and make loads of money? Google has thought of this and takes click fraud very seriously. They want their advertising system to work. They can tell if you have been committing click fraud and will bar you from AdSense FOR EVER!

Making serious money

99% of AdSense users make next to nothing. They stick the code onto their website and sit back. When the money doesn’t appear they think the system is useless. This is good for us, because those in the know can make extraordinary amounts of legitimate, Google approved money.

• The key lies in finding a niche market and creating a content rich, topical site within this market. You then fill the content of your site with high paying keywords.

• Next, through good search engine optimization and advanced inbound linking strategies, you build a high and constant flow of traffic to your site.

• Then, only after you have taken steps one and two, do you place the AdSense code into your site. You add the JavaScript whilst employing certain techniques that make the ads look more attractive. This will encourage more of your website’s visitors to click on the ads.

This strategy, coupled with careful tracking of ad performance, will guarantee that you are making serious amounts of money with Google AdSense.

If you want to be amongst the 1% of high earners make sure that you follow The AdSense Mint course step-by-step!

make money 6

How Paid AutoSurf Programs Work - Make Easy Money Online
by: Michael Goldman
Paid Autosurf programs pay you for viewing some websites. You can either sit in front of your computer and watch the sites displayed by the autosurf script, or go away and do some other things while the sites are being shown.

You usually get paid to view a certain amount of sites. It can vary in different programs, but averages at about 30-100 sites per day. Every site is shown for 30 seconds or so and it may take you up to 1 hour to surf all the sites for that day. You can join several programs and surf them all together.

This is autosurfing, and all you have to do is to log into your account every day and click on the start surfing button. You will see a new window openned up and different sites will be shown in it. The best feature of autosurfing is that you don't really have to sit and watch these sites, you can just login to your account, start surfing and forget about it, while doing some other things.

In paid autosurf programs You are paid a percentage of your current upgrade (investment). The percantage may vary, but most stable get paid to surf programs pay 1% daily for 365 days, which is 365% at the end of the year. Several program may pay you 2-3% or even 12%, but the risk is much bigger then, so it's recommended to split your investments between 1% programs.

Payments are processed every month, either at the beginning of the month, or at the end. You can request a payment if you have earned a minimum amount needed to get paid. The minimum requirement is around $10-$50, averaging at $20.

When you join a program, you usually get a free upgrade of $10 to start with and few hundreds of free credits, you can use to advertise your sites. You can surf as a free member with that upgrade, but it will take much more time to get paid, when if you upgrade. In fact with the free $10 you will be earning $0.1 a day, so you may earn the required minimum $20 in 200 days and that's a lot of time, but if you upgrade with just $50-$60, you will be earning enough to get paid every month.

You can also advertise your sites for free at all the autosurf programs. While surfing you earn money and credits, these credits can be allocated to your sites. This is great opportunity if you have a website, you can advertise it for free and get thousands of hits every month. These are real people who view the sites, so you can earn for ads shown on the site, or generate sales and earn referral comissions.

Paid autosurf programs present you one of the easiest ways to make money online. To start earning you don't need to invest much money or buy any expensive equipment. You don't have to recruit other people, no hard work at all is needed. All you need is to login to your account and click on the start surfing button. What can be easier?

make money 5

Want To Make Money Online? Market A Service To Businesses
by: Kevin Nunley
Don walked across the street from his house to mine to announce he had finally retired. "But I'm not ready for the golf course," he said. "I want to make a living on the Internet. What can I sell?"

This is a question many of us struggle with as we see money, freedom, and a bright future for those who manage to find their niche online. You may have tried to sell something from the Internet only to find it is difficult to get visitors to your web site and even harder to get them to buy.

The biggest hurdle is simple: most folks are trying to sell products to consumers. That's not where the money is. It is a more daunting task than most realize.

Only one percent of retail sales happens on the Internet. Even though selling to consumers should be gargantuan one day, we have a long way to go before the majority of people are placing orders the Internet way.

Instead, sell something to businesses. While consumer sales amounted to many billion last year, business-to-business purchases vaulted to a whopping ten times that much. Clearly, if you want the easiest path to tapping into the landslide of Internet cash, sell a product or service needed by business.

So, you say, I should sell a product to businesses? Not exactly. Most products need to be sold in large volumes by many distributors before they turn a profit. Chances are the product you sell is also being pushed by hundreds or thousands of other affiliates. In the end, many business buyers will simply click to the main corporate site to make their purchase.

Your best bet for starting a small Internet business and earning a living online is to sell a service to businesses. Unlike products, it is hard to mass produce a service. Most service providers find their competition is relatively thin. This is especially true if you provide a very specialized service or do your job in a particular way that is hard to duplicate. Because services require time spent by an experienced expert, rates can be high, especially for business customers.

But I'm not an expert in anything people on the Internet would want to buy, you exclaim. Not true.

Sit down with a pen and jot down all the things bosses have paid you for during your work career. Add to your list things you have done on your own time that friends, neighbors, or co-workers have felt were valuable.

Which of these things could be sold on the Internet? If you kept books for a business with twenty employees, you can sell your bookkeeping service to the vast number of small Internet businesses who don't have the time or expertise to manage their growing firm.

If you produced your church newsletter for several years, your desktop publishing and editing skills could fill the hot demand for people who can write and publish e-messaging campaigns, web sites, and print newsletters. Best of all, a writer/editor deals in pure information which is easiest and cheapest to deliver over the Internet.

My neighbor Don decided his skills from a career in law enforcement would be hard to sell on the Internet. But he knew lots of things businesses needed and he had a list of town residents who could fill those needs.

If you don't readily have a service you can sell to business, find someone who does. Many in-demand people don't know how to market themselves on the Internet or haven't the time to try. Represent their service online and take a commission for each sale.

Put up your own web site with some articles business customers will find helpful. They can do double duty, showing you know plenty about your line of work.

Post testimonials from satisfied customers or other experts in your industry. To get full impact, be sure to list the person's full name and the name of their business or city they live in.

Offer to send customers and prospects a monthly update via email. Include brief updates on important developments in the industry. Mix in three line ads promoting your service.

Selling a service to business is your least-expensive way to get started making money online. It is also the quickest way to tap into the huge amounts of money traveling from business to business.

make money 4

Make Money Info

Make Money With No Investment -Starting From Scratch
by: Jack Reynolds
In the begining it's a tentative situation. Your first few deals are small potatoes. To make money with no investment is not entirley accurate. Everyone has access to something. Some small amount that will be allocated for wealth building. I think back to when I was starting from scratch and at the time my cynical attitude made it painful, but looking back I remember the experience fondly.

It's challenging to make money with no investment capital but when you are starting from scratch you have nothing to lose. With your back to the wall, you can go forward confidently in the knowledge that you literally have little to lose.

Curiously, all great wealth once began from scratch. To make money with no investment capital is exactly the situation you need to be in if you want to succeed and get that first million under your belt.

You see, it's not how much you started with that counts. It's not how much you have made that counts. What matters is the system. HOW you do it. If that is based on sound principles then you will never fear poverty again.

I could make money with no investment capital if you dropped me in any free City on the planet. I guarantee you within a few months I'd be living well (providing I spoke the language).

Starting from scratch, the first thing I would do is find a market. No money, but I have my self. I can offer a service. As soon as I make a few hundred dollars saved, I would begin applying the principles of opportunity investment. I would trade up and up until I had borrowing capacity.

I would use the leverage that borrowing allows me to manufacture obscene compounding returns in real estate and large ticket items like used trucks and yachts. I would work until I was comfortable, then start spending on myself.

You are in a better situation than my scenario. You have friends, contacts, and knowledge of your town. You have experiences and intimate perceptions of the existing markets in your home town. All you need is the knowledge to make it happen.

To make money from scratch with no investment capital is easy. Don't be fooled into thinking your situation is hopeless. You need knowledge, tools, and skills. It's time you took a real shot at your first million, believe me the second and third will be easy.

"The pain of discipline is less then the pain of regret" -- Martin Thomas

make money

Make Money Info

Original Ways To Make Money With No Money-a Short Education
by: Jack Reynolds
An opportunity should never be bought into. By definition, an opportunity is something that people will never sell you. From franchises to swamp land in Florida, to patents and inventions, it makes no difference. Theres nothing wrong with any of the things mentioned, however if somebody is trying to sell you these things, then they are not opportunities by definition.

An opportunity is an advantage that you can see that others cannot. I dont care about the dictionary definition, this is the real world definition. Opportunities are free. They dont cost money to observe. Of course I dont mean they wont cost you money, you may need some money to act on it. But if you are paying money so somebody can sell it to you (a sales commission) You should run for the hills.

So, getting back to my definition of an opportunity.

"Its an advantage that you can see that others cannot"

So what that means is that you have vision while others do not. We are awash with money around us. Money or "value" is everywhere. As "Hayden Muller" says, "it permeates our lives like oxygen" The difficulty is not finding opportunity. It is literally everywhere all the time. We are suffering from snow blindness if we still work for a living when such abundance is around us in our every day lives.

The difficulty is not money either. Having access to a few hundred dollars is all you need to take advantage of a million daily opportunities that present themselves in our daily lives. Anyone with some determination can find that much.

No, the real difficulty is knowledge, or education. Its what seperates action from indifference. The question becomes, "so what?" "so what if I took this opportunity and made a few dollars, what next?" You see, without education, opportunities are meaningless. They lead now-where because we lack vision. Don't worry, I lacked plenty of vision myself.

Today you could drop me out of the sky into any free city on the Planet with nothing but the shirt on my back and I would be living well within 3 months and be financially secure within 2-4 years. I know I can do that because my vision tells me I easily could.

Put me in the middle of New York, I would immediately find markets to deal in. Even before I found a place to sleep, I would begin learning about what free markets are available and what they most want and need. I would quickly establish contacts with suppliers and retailers to become the "middle man" my favourite place to be.

Within a week, I would have a few hundred dollars saved. I would use those funds and pyramid my purchases for faster and faster turn over until I had enough to buy small assets that are in high demand. Cars, boats, anything that was being sold that I could find really cheaply. My charm and good looks would make sure I got the best deals and sold them for the highest price (winks)

Charm and good looks aside, the one thing you need is a clarion plan. A master plan that gets you from A to B

Making money with no money is easy and rudimentry. Its the opportunities you spot that makes the real difference. But really its the propensity to take action that delivers the results. Before you can take that action, you need to know where you are going.

Your situation is alot better then the scenario I presented above. You live in a place where you know. You have intimate knowledge of the markets available already present. You have skills and have contacts already that can be of use.

Get a quick short education and go to it. Your first million is not as difficult as you may imagine.

May success find you fast and knowledge find you sooner.

make money

Make Money Info

The 'Quick & Easy' Money Makers!
by: Bryan Kumar
There's a popular myth floating around implying that your product has to be hundreds of pages long if it is to make you any real money.

That's a big lie.

More money is being made out there than ever before, by individuals selling short, focused reports! And it's growing at incredible rates.

The classic example that always comes to mind is Internet Cash Machines by Allen Says. That book was released some time ago, yet it's still selling by the thousands to this day! Other great examples are Magic Letters (which really started it all) and 7 Secrets to Unlimited Traffic. That last one is no more than 15 pages long! Yet, it's still being downloaded from thousands of sites.

The bottom line is...when it comes to info-products, size doesn't necessarily matter! Quality does! You could make just as much money with a 15-page book as you could with a 100-page one. In fact, you can make more with the former. I'll show you how shortly.

Profit potential aside, there are many other great reasons to create these little ebooks...

They are very easy to put together; it doesn't require much work.

They can be completed within a few weeks, a few days, and sometimes even a few hours!

They are really not that difficult or time consuming to market.

They are especially great for new marketers (with little or no experience) and are also easy profit generators for seasoned marketers. And...

Most importantly, they allow you to spread your risk.

You see, it all boils down to time and money i.e. time management and positive cash flow.

Time is a very precious commodity, especially if you still have a 9 to 5 job to deal with. And, we already know that all of our projects will not be home runs. In fact, there's a good chance that a few of them will be complete flops. That's the reality most of us have to deal with.

So, if you invest a lot of time and energy into creating a monster ebook that turns out to be a dud, you would have lost all the time and energy you put into that project, with nothing to show for it.

On the other hand, if you had spent only a couple of weeks to create a much shorter ebook which also turned out to be a dud, you could quickly pull that one out and replace it with another short one. Your risks are dramatically reduced and your chances of putting out a winner is increased!

It's better to create 10 little ebooks per year and have 2 of them flop (which means 8 of them are bringing in the cash!) than to only create one or two big ebooks in that same year and risk having them both flop. There is also a much better chance that 1 of your products will be a hot seller if you have 10 of them out there, instead of just one or two.

Now, let's look at profit potential...

If each one of these 8 books bring in $1000 per month for you, the profits can add up quickly. If your goal is to pull in $100,000 in the coming year, you have a much better chance of getting there with 8 to 10 small ebooks bringing in $1000 per month each, instead of relying on just one big ebook alone to pull in the entire $100,000.

And...even if you pull in just a few hundred per month from each of the 8 books, that's still a heck of a lot better than what most people are making online.

Here are a few more ways you can ensure that you profit from these short ebooks, well into the future...

You can offer each one as a backend (followup) product for the other.

You can bundle them up later and sell them as a brand new package, with a different price tag.

You can use some of them (especially if they don't sell too well on their own) as bonuses for your other products, to increase the perceived value of the 'package.'

You can also use some of them purely as list builders. (Give them away for free, swap them with other marketers, or whatever. The fact that it only took you a week or two to create them offers you a lot more options and flexibility.)

And, if you're still passionate about creating that monster ebook, why not break it up into smaller projects and start selling each one as they get completed?

For example, if you want to create the "complete" 'online marketing' guide, you could start by creating a small ebook on just 'sales copy writing' and start selling it. Then, create another on 'product development' and get that one out as well. And so on...

In the end, you can bundle them up together, or combine them into one mega book and sell it. Your time is much better spent that way. also have some cash coming in while you work on your projects.

Many of us continue to chase after that one million dollar idea and miss many of the smaller $100,000 projects along the way.

These smaller products are much easier to create, are much easier to roll out, don't require a large investment of your time, energy or money, and they greatly reduce your risks.

They are also probably the fastest way to get your name out there and build credibility for yourself and your business. You can really do some serious damage with these mini ebooks, as long as you provide valuable information in them.

Here's to your next successful "Mini E"... book, that is. ;-)

Best regards,

Bryan Kumar

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Make Money Info

Want To Make Money Online? Market A Service To Businesses
by: Kevin Nunley
Don walked across the street from his house to mine to announce he had finally retired. "But I'm not ready for the golf course," he said. "I want to make a living on the Internet. What can I sell?"

This is a question many of us struggle with as we see money, freedom, and a bright future for those who manage to find their niche online. You may have tried to sell something from the Internet only to find it is difficult to get visitors to your web site and even harder to get them to buy.

The biggest hurdle is simple: most folks are trying to sell products to consumers. That's not where the money is. It is a more daunting task than most realize.

Only one percent of retail sales happens on the Internet. Even though selling to consumers should be gargantuan one day, we have a long way to go before the majority of people are placing orders the Internet way.

Instead, sell something to businesses. While consumer sales amounted to many billion last year, business-to-business purchases vaulted to a whopping ten times that much. Clearly, if you want the easiest path to tapping into the landslide of Internet cash, sell a product or service needed by business.

So, you say, I should sell a product to businesses? Not exactly. Most products need to be sold in large volumes by many distributors before they turn a profit. Chances are the product you sell is also being pushed by hundreds or thousands of other affiliates. In the end, many business buyers will simply click to the main corporate site to make their purchase.

Your best bet for starting a small Internet business and earning a living online is to sell a service to businesses. Unlike products, it is hard to mass produce a service. Most service providers find their competition is relatively thin. This is especially true if you provide a very specialized service or do your job in a particular way that is hard to duplicate. Because services require time spent by an experienced expert, rates can be high, especially for business customers.

But I'm not an expert in anything people on the Internet would want to buy, you exclaim. Not true.

Sit down with a pen and jot down all the things bosses have paid you for during your work career. Add to your list things you have done on your own time that friends, neighbors, or co-workers have felt were valuable.

Which of these things could be sold on the Internet? If you kept books for a business with twenty employees, you can sell your bookkeeping service to the vast number of small Internet businesses who don't have the time or expertise to manage their growing firm.

If you produced your church newsletter for several years, your desktop publishing and editing skills could fill the hot demand for people who can write and publish e-messaging campaigns, web sites, and print newsletters. Best of all, a writer/editor deals in pure information which is easiest and cheapest to deliver over the Internet.

My neighbor Don decided his skills from a career in law enforcement would be hard to sell on the Internet. But he knew lots of things businesses needed and he had a list of town residents who could fill those needs.

If you don't readily have a service you can sell to business, find someone who does. Many in-demand people don't know how to market themselves on the Internet or haven't the time to try. Represent their service online and take a commission for each sale.

Put up your own web site with some articles business customers will find helpful. They can do double duty, showing you know plenty about your line of work.

Post testimonials from satisfied customers or other experts in your industry. To get full impact, be sure to list the person's full name and the name of their business or city they live in.

Offer to send customers and prospects a monthly update via email. Include brief updates on important developments in the industry. Mix in three line ads promoting your service.

Selling a service to business is your least-expensive way to get started making money online. It is also the quickest way to tap into the huge amounts of money traveling from business to business.

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